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Friday, March 2, 2007

Celebrity News/ Anna Nicole Smith's mother Vergie Arthur tries to stop funeral/ Celebrity

Anna Nicole Smiths mother Vergie Arthur tried to stop the funeral this morning in the Bahamas. A petition was filed by Vergie Arthur to stop the burial of her late daughter. The petition was was denied by a Bahamian Court. Is it just me or is this lady acting more crazy by the day. In my opinion she is just tying to stir up more trouble. She clearly loves the media attention , she wants her 15 minutes of fame. It seems to me that Vergie Arthur cares more about her daughters death than she ever cared about her life. I am not saying that she did not love Anna, but she seems to blame an awful lot on Howard K Stern and Anna's drug problem for their estranged relationship. If she wanted a relationship with her daughter she would have not always talked trash about her on television. Maybe Anna was on to many drugs, but she clearly had a mind of her own, I do not see how Howard could have controlled her life. I think that Anna could get any one to do anything for her. Why should Howard be to blame for always caring and loving Anna. Why does everything always have to be about money? I believe that Anna's mother has been jealous of Anna's fame and now she wants to act like a caring mother and grandmother, when all she really wants is Anna's money and a piece of the fame that goes along with it. What kind of grandmother video tapes her grand sons grave and gets paid to show it on television? When she was never even welcome there in the first place. If a court grants any kind of custody to this women of her grand daughter, It will be a sad day for our justice system.. That little innocent baby is simply her ticket to wealth. The whole Anna story is such a sad one, I only hope that her daughter Dannielynn will grow up with love, compassion and a understanding of who her mother really was. I hope she will be well taken care of because she is an innocent child who deserves a healthy happy family, not someone just caring for her for all the money she is worth.
posted by Shelly at 9:42 AM


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